It’s the start of a new year and you tell yourself that you are going to finally go to the gym to lose that stubborn belly fat and get a little bit stronger. So you get yourself a new pair of gym shoes and some snazzy looking gym clothes and decide to find a gym in your area to start your fitness journey. You finally get into the gym and you are bombarded with all of the many different pieces of machinery, from the ellipticals all the way to the squat racks. You wonder to yourself, “Where do I start? What muscle group(s) should I work on today?” We have all been there and have all asked those same questions at one point in time. If you are unsure of what to start with you could go on social media or the internet to find a workout plan that can fit your schedule, but with those you have to follow the program by yourself and who knows if you are even doing the exercises correctly. This is where a personal trainer can come into play. Seeking out a personal trainer can bring many benefits to you whether you are the person who is starting out on their fitness journey, or if you have been an avid gym go-er for many years. Here are some of the top benefits of having a personal trainer. First, you get advice that is specific to you and your goals. All of us are different and have goals that are specific to us. Whether that be to lose weight, gain muscle, or to stay healthy and fit; a personal trainer can help you by making a workout plan that is specific to what you are looking for. A personal trainer can also take into account any previous injuries or limitations that may have and help you break through those limitations so you can live a stronger and more functional life. Second, a good personal trainer will make sure that you have good form with each exercise that you do. When working by ourselves it is hard to notice what we are doing or are not doing to execute an exercise correctly. Having a personal trainer there to watch is great because they can see any issues with form and can give cues to adjust the form so that the exercise is effective; and with this the personal trainer is helping you reduce any possible injury since most injuries in the gym occur from not knowing good form for an exercise. Finally, a personal trainer is someone who you can be accountable to throughout your fitness journey. When working out on your own it’s easier to let yourself sleep in or not go to the gym today; but with having a personal trainer, they are someone who is waiting for you at the gym and looking forward to the work that you will get to put in today. If you do end up running late or missing the day, the personal trainer will check in with you to see how you are doing. So if you are looking to get started on your fitness journey but not sure how to or feel intimidated about getting started, reach out to us here at Smitty Built Fitness and we can get you set up with our personal trainers. We are here to help you get stronger so you can live the life that you want to live.